Victoria School

Achieve, Believe, Learn together.

Islay Place

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3XB

Tel:  01900601489,  email:

Islay Place

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3XB

Tel:  01900601489,  email:

Victoria Road

Workington, Cumbria, CA14 2RE

Tel:  01900606053,  email:

Sports Week

Each year (usually in June) we have our school’s sports week.  Throughout the week, pupils will compete in events such as rugby, cricket, yoga, skipping and a one mile walk/run, to find out who the best boy and girl is in each year group and each activity.  We also have the team from the Excel Activity Group come to school to deliver fun sessions of bubble football, nerf gun and archery battles and an old school sports day. 


When the children aren’t involved in physical activity, their lessons will be tailored to have a sporting focus, such as creating fact files about countries who complete in the Olympics in their literacy lessons or in science, learning about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet,


The week culminates with our sports day which splits the school into eight different nations, with the children testing their skills in eight different activities, ranging from a netball shot to a cricket throw to the long jump.